
Blaž Zupančič: TRANSIENCE

Important information
Stolp photo gallery, Židovska 6, Maribor, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Blaž Zupančič  since 1988 he has been working as an independent creator in all fields creative photos, presented his work at numerous solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad. Special recognition was awarded for outstanding presentation Architectural details of the Plečniks Žal (Ljubljanska grad, 2003).

At the present exhibition, the author spends a long time thinking about the project of photographing the Slovenian landscape and researches new methods creation of landscape photography, where he is mainly interested in color surfaces and raster structures, and especially the dynamics that enable them a moving camera on the train; when he crawls through Slovenian landscapes, he draws blurred, poetic and at the same time on film dynamic images of fleeting impressions 

More information at www.galerijastolp.si. Welcome!


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