
Blegoš – wrapped in white

This time the route takes us from Ljubljana to Škofja Loka and further towards Poljanska dolina. After about nine kilometers from Škofja Loka, we reach the village of Log. There, the road branches off to the left through Poljanska Sora to the village of Visoko, where the Kalanova homestead stands, which the writer Ivan Tavčar converted into his mansion.

Here he conceived his best works, such as Vysoška Chronicle and Flowers in Autumn. Looking at the diversity of the surroundings and nature, we get the answer to where the inspiration for the creation of his literary works comes from. A forest learning trail also leads from the manor High, which presents the diversity of this diverse forest captured in harma nija and offers us even more information about it. The path is undemanding and lasts about two hours, but it is possible to go around it accompanied by an expert guide - a forester, who will tell us a lot more about different tree species, rejuvenation and protection of the forest.

Higher goals
Our goals are set even higher this time, so let's weigh the options and choose the most suitable for us and our company. Maybe the decision will not be the easiest, because we will wish to conquer everything in one day. But everything takes its time, so let's set our priorities and continue along the Poljanska dolina to Javorij, where we will see the signpost for our new destination, Blegoš (1562 m, 3 h). We continue along the curved road to Gornja Zetina and along the forest road over Črni Kal to the parking lot and the starting point for this highest peak of the Škofjeloški hills. It is famous for its beautiful view of the highest Slovenian mountains in the Julian Alps, Karavanka and Kamnik-Savinj Alps groups. It is also possible to reach its top from other places (Hotavelj, Volak, Črnega vrh, Leskovic), but for us this access is the most convenient. In the parking lot, let's take a closer look at the possible routes, as they are clearly displayed on a large board nearby. More or less demanding, more or less steep, longer, shorter. But whichever path we choose, we cannot miss, because they all lead to its cutely rounded top. During the journey, don't forget to stop to warm yourself with hot tea and at the same time enjoy the beautiful view of the whitewashed peaks and the calm gorge below us. After that, let's just continue on to the top, where we will see Koča na Blegoš (1391 m) on its western side. The hut is currently open on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays and offers a welcoming selection of different dishes, something delicious for every taste...

You're miserable.
You're miserable.

Afternoon adventure

From the top of Blegoš, it is possible to continue the journey to the ski hut on the Stari vrh (1032 m, 2 h 30 min.), but this adventure should wait for more suitable weather conditions. After our descent, we can drive to the mentioned ski resort, which lies between the Poljanska and Selška valleys. Stari vrh is visited by fans of recreational skiing, and recreational, state and FIS competitions are also held there. There are 12 km of ski runs along it, of which 2 km are hard, 6 km are medium and 4 km are easy. But our batteries are probably already empty, so this snowy adventure should be postponed to next weekend, as well as sledding at the Mišouh toboggan run, which is located about 6 km from Škofja Loka in the direction of Železniki. The track is 2500 m long and is suitable for both children and adults. Daily sledding takes place during the week during holidays or by arrangement, but night sledding is also possible, as the tracks are illuminated with torches and warning lights. The top of the toboggan run can be reached on foot in about half an hour, and transport with special sledges for about 16 people is also organized. At the end of the toboggan run there is also a hut for the thirsty and hungry, which additionally ensures that visitors go home with pleasant memories of this kind of experience. Let's also turn towards home and finally stop at the Kašča Gallery and tavern on Spodnji trg in Škofja Loka. As a rule, Kašča is one of the most venerable antiquities in Škofja Loka, as it stood in its original form before the earthquake in 1511, and was then thoroughly renovated by order of Bishop Filip. Today in Kaška there is a permanent gallery of the painter Franc Mihelič, and in the basement there is a good pizzeria and pub, where we will be greeted by friendly staff and a fragrant feast, with which we will conclude our white adventure.

Info Box


HIGH FOREST LEARNING TRAIL, contractor: Local tourist organization Blegoš, Kidričeva cesta 1a, Škofja Loka, (04) 517 06 00
KOČA NA BLEGOŠ, PD Škofja Loka, manager: Ivo and Marija Orešnik, 031 214 621
SKI TOURIST CENTER STARI VRH, Zapreval 3, Poljane, (04) 518 80 39
Toboggan run Mišouh, 041 635 162, www.misouh.com
GALLERY AND GOSTILNA KAŠČA Spodnji trg 1, Škofja Loka, (04) 512 43 00, www. kasca-plevna.com

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