
Blender is back in Štirka

At the end of September, we are looking forward to the third Blender evening, during which dust is wiped off old records and nostalgia is breathed. DJ AliEn and MC Brane will spin the music of the nineties for us, who used to spin vinyl records in the basement when "Štirka" still had valves. Sometimes AliEn, today Dalaj Eegol is like...

Important information
K4, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
od 8 do 11 evrov.

Konec septembra se nam obeta že tretji Blender večer, na katerem se briše prah s starih plošč in diha nostalgijo. Glasbo devetdesetih nam bosta vrtela didžeja AliEn in MC Brane, ki sta v kleti vinilke vrtela še takrat, ko je “Štirka” še imela ventile. Včasih AliEn, danes Dalaj Eegol je kot rezident vrtel glasbo na rap hip-hop Black night večerih in na sredinih funky večerih. MC Brane je vrtel rap in elektronsko techno glasbo. Pokazal nam bo, kako se je to počelo včasih. 


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