
Blessed is the man who has her: a woman born in this sign is said to be a man's dream come true!

Photo: Štefan Štefančík / Unsplash

When in a relationship, she is completely devoted, trustworthy and loyal. Reliable and always ready to help. As a friend, she will be present at every important life event of her friends. Who is this woman?

Devoted, resourceful, discreetly witty, diligent, practical, reasonable, humble, shy, accurate ... Her mission in life is to be a hero and to enrich the lives of others with her knowledge and intellect.

She'd rather be alone than with the wrong person - she's not just looking for the right one, looking for the perfect one. This doesn't mean that the person has to be perfect, but they have to get along perfectly. When she's in a relationship she is devoted and loyal. He expects his partner to "spice up" their sexuality with flowers, scented candles and foreplay. She likes a partner who will take the initiative. Although she may not seem inclined to experiment more in bed, the possibility is never completely ruled out.

She'd rather be alone than with the wrong person.
She'd rather be alone than with the wrong person.

He walks through life with your feet firmly on the ground, she is graceful and gentle. She is focused on details, she is a "female dynamite" who thinks of everything and you can always rely on her. He approaches everything with a system and likes planned routines. He spends his free time on long walks, in nature or in the garden. She may seem cold and aloof, but she is actually shy and indecisive. She doesn't meddle in other people's affairs unless someone asks her to. When you thank her, do it in a discreet way. VIRGOS they are skeptical of larger gestures and loud displays of emotion. They prefer simple thanks.

Do you have her with you? Tag her in the comments and thank her! 😉

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