
Hair dryer: what to do to make your hairstyle last for several days?

Photo: envato

If you're wondering if it's possible to blow dry your hair for days, the answer is YES, with just a few tricks.

Great tips to make your own long-lasting blow-dry hairstyle. How many times has it happened to you that you tried to fix your hair at home, but the hair did not last the whole day? Even when you used almost the same products from your hairdresser?

Honestly, the fact is that you can rarely achieve professional results at home unless you have good technique, but there are ways to do something like this without years and years of practice.

All you need is a brush and a few products to ease your way to a hairstyle that lasts for days. The preparation itself is crucial, because without it, even if you have the best drying technique in the world, the hairstyle will not last.

Do not use a round brush

A good oval brush and what kind you use is important, and many people make the mistake of choosing round or too big ones. The smaller the brush, the more variety of shapes you get, the possibility of creating curls and the like.


Larger brushes straighten the hair, but do not add volume, so it is recommended to start with a diameter of 32 to 38 millimeters, then go down to brushes of 35 to 45 millimeters, depending on the length of the hair.

People who have very long hair and want to style the ends can use larger brushes, but it is recommended not to go over 45 millimeters, because a larger one will have no effect.

Although it may be tempting to buy brushes with natural bristles, it is recommended that you use nylon bristles for blow drying. But avoid plastic because it can melt at higher temperatures.

Preparation is key

Always start by preparing your hair the right way. This means applying a moisture and heat protectant and something that will give you long-lasting wear like a mousse or spray is a must. If you want the hairstyle to last for several days, it is recommended to apply mousse while the hair is still wet before drying.


Dry your hair, then blow dry it from the roots to add volume. You can also leave the brush in your hair and dry it for a while, let it cool a little and only then take it out.

How to properly dry hair?

Always drag the brush horizontally, upwards, in as straight a line as possible. In the beginning, it is recommended to use smaller ones to get volume and shape. Only when it's time to shape the ends, it is recommended to pull them diagonally with a brush of a larger diameter if you want to dry straight, or a smaller one if you are making waves or curls.

Why is it so important to cool the hair after drying?

The heat gives shape, and the cold corrects any "mistakes" and in a way puts the finishing touch on the design, which allows the hair to get used to the hairstyle and thereby obtain a long durability.

The 3 most important steps for a permanent hairstyle

1. products

It is very important to choose products that will give you what you want. For example, if you want a hairstyle with volume, it is better to use both a shampoo and a conditioner that will ensure that it does not smear, stick and dilute.


2. The hair must be dry enough

Make sure your hair is dry enough before styling. It is enough to dry them to about 80-90 percent, otherwise styling will not make sense, and you will only dry out and damage your hair unnecessarily.

3. Combination of warm and cold air

For longer-lasting results, alternate warm and cold drying is recommended. Dry your hair first with a brush and a hair dryer with hot air, then be sure to blow it with cold air.

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