
Blue laces that pull a whole truck

"Tie Blue" is the slogan of Blue Laces, another interesting Kickstarter project. Blue shoelaces make a message so strong that they move a truck.

The problem that the originators of the idea of blue laces saw was that customers do not respect home-made products, or that even manufacturers do not bother to offer them to the market. Thus, they asked a thousand producers why they no longer emphasize domestic, local products. They all responded with the same answer - buyers don't care. So they sought out one of the largest American manufacturers of shoelaces and gave him a job an interesting challenge: to make the best shoelace ever made. They were convinced that if they succeeded in this, they would not make just another shoelace in the line, they would make a powerful shoelace that would become a true symbol. And the blue lace was created as a symbol of support for domestic manufacturers, which will help stop the trend of "faster, cheaper and worse" quality.

Group young enthusiasts are convinced that domestic products with a real story will be the ones that customers will give a chance to, even if they are not the cheapest on the market. So the idea gave birth to an extra strong blue shoelace that can move even a truck. And, more importantly, it moved the crowd. And not only on shoes, a blue lace around the wrist, ankle or anywhere else communicates that the individual gives a chance to domestic products, knowledge and ideas. The individual with the blue shoelace communicates that he fully understands what all the manufacturers are fighting with in the merciless world of economic calculations and communicates that he supports and respects them. On top of that, the blue laces are very cool and stylish.

Durable and high quality.
Durable and high quality.

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