
BMW i8 Futurism Edition: A BMW inspired by a street lamp

BMW i8 Futurism Edition

Not that the BMW i8 lacks style, but if you still felt that it needed some cosmetic correction, your appetite will probably be satisfied by the BMW i8 Futurism Edition, which was a gift to the Germans on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the "Italian". BMW.

What happens when BMW i8 in the grip of age Lapo Elkann (eccentric grandson of Gianni Agnelli) from Garage Italia Customs paint shop? BMW i8 Futurism Edition, whose body was inspired by the painting Giacomo Balle's "Lampada ad Arco" (it is exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art in New York). With it, BMW pays tribute to Italy, where BMW is already present 50 years. BMW found the common denominator between the motif of the street lamp in the moonlight and the car in movement, speed and light, which was characteristic of Ball and also of the BMW i8.

BMW i8 Futurism Edition it is not part of an art project Art Car, a project where well-known artists paint BMW cars and it has been going on since 1975 (the art collection today already includes 17 unique cars), but it could easily be.

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Octane artwork will be at this year's famous race Mille Miglia (the Thousand Mile Endurance Race was held for the first time in years 1927), starting today, May 19, 2016, on the route Brescia–Rome–Brescia driven by the director of BMW Italy Sergio Solero.

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