
BMW Vision M Next Concept: a car that you unlock with facial recognition

If you are oriented towards the future and accept it, you will end up one step ahead of competitors who have not seen it yet - the same philosophy was used by BMW, who are showing their vision of the future with the futuristic BMW Vision M Next Concept car.

At first glance, one could draw many parallels between the designs BMW Vision M Next Concept and BMW i8, but in reality there are a lot of differences between them - the latest concept brings the idea D+ACES, which consists of five elements: design, autonomous driving, connectivity, electrification and service/services.

1. The combination of flashy neon orange and silver is another reason to talk about futurism.
2. Another part of the future is hidden inside, as the car can be unlocked with facial recognition. We have a digital dashboard and a projection display with augmented reality.
3. The third part of the future is a hybrid drive consisting of a gasoline 4-cylinder and an electric motor, and their system power is 600 horsepower (441 kW). This means that we will need only 3 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h and reach a top speed of 300 km/h.

The futuristic BMW will offer a feature BOOST+, which will take care of additional acceleration by pressing the button - we will be able to drive using only the electricity stored in the battery up to 100 kilometers a long way.

In addition to the color, they also stand out rims, which complements them black color, but even there we can't pass by the orange-silver combination.

However, the BMW Vision M Next Concept is just that concept, but with a lot of interest, it could happen quickly that they will get it into serial production.

Gallery: BMW Vision M Next Concept

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