
Movie Trailer: Bone Tomahawk (2015)

Movie Bone Tomahawk (2015)

The American film Bone Tomahawk mixes genres that don't often come together. It is a western and a horror film. In it, Kurt Russell demonstrates his entire spectrum of acting knowledge, which we will be able to admire at the end of the year in another western, namely Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful 8. Even earlier, we will see what he prepared for us at the dictation of S. Craig Zahler, who is also responsible for the film's script.

In a western Bone Tomahawk much like in The Hateful 8, a bunch of high caliber players. In addition to Kurt Russell, the list of names includes Patrick Wilson (Evil Summoned) and Matthew Fox (The Lost Island), and they are joined by Richard Jenkins, Lili Simmons, David Arquette, Sid Haig and Sean Young.

READ MORE: Movie trailer: The Hateful 8

Kurt Russell in Bone Tomahawk.
Kurt Russell in Bone Tomahawk.

The story revolves around of four men trying to rescue captives from hermit cannibals, living on the edge of civilization. The kidnappers found their victims in the peaceful western town of Bright Hope after being unwittingly lured in by an outcast.

Info Box

Western, horror
Bone Tomahawk
(USA, 2015)

Direction: Sr. Craig Zahler. They play: Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox, Richard Jenkins, Lili Simmons, David Arquette, Sid Haig, Kathryn Morris, Evan Jonigkeit, Sean Young, Geno Segers, Fred Melamed, James Tolkan, Raw Leiba, Jamie Hector, Jamison Newlander, Zahn McClarnon, David Midthunder, Jay Tavare, Gray Wolf Herrara, Robert Mukes, Brandon Molale.

In the cinema from October 23, 2015.

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