
BoobeeFoodee – gourmet food for toddlers

First, it was the idea of one mom, which inspired other moms, and BoobeeFoodee, an online corner dedicated to haute cuisine for little feet, came to life. The website also got a sister in book form.

Well, we may be exaggerating a bit with "haute cuisine", but it is not a classic toddler's lunch in the sense "spinach and mashed potatoes", but for culinary ideas with a little more imagination. The story is that the mother is the name Claudia and some time ago she started preparing delicious recipes for her child. She likes to cook and creates new dishes, experiments with familiar ingredients and introduces flavors. This can be a real challenge for toddlers, because in the first months their list of permitted items is reduced due to potentially allergenic ingredients. That's how Klavdija started cooking, first for her little one, then the word spread and the Facebook page, a little later the website and finally the book BoobeeFoodee came to life.

This is intended for all mothers who are searching for advice, instructions and recipes that may not work well in the kitchen, as well as for all those skilled cooks who now and then need new inspiration, an idea, a fresh ingredient for a meal. The recipes are simple, healthy and varied, and, as the author says, for children BoobeeFoodee, this type of diet provides a good and delicious journey forward - awareness of healthy eating, of thousands of flavors and the principles of proper, balanced nutrition.

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