
New book: Paris versus New York - a tale of two cities

Paris or New York? Both! So says Vahram Muratyan, a blogger who has found a home in both cities. He first dedicated a blog to them, which grew into the booklet Paris versus New York – a tale of two cities.

Basic information
Vahram Muratyan
Paris versus New York: A Tally of Two Cities
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Similarities, differences, and above all amusing clichés and comparisons are the main guide of the book of visual cards, which seem to say a lot about Paris and about New York with no words. Vahram Muratyan is a blogger and hobbyist Paris, who prefers to wander around New York. When he began to write his blog, he had no idea what kind of response he would encounter - in just a few months, he recorded more than a million and a half views and also earned the attention of critics. Everything happens around simple observations, which Vahram shows through just as simply graphics. From such banal things as coffee - in New York a dooolgi americano, in Paris a short expresso - to a fun comparison of classical sports - elegant ballet in Paris and basketball in New York. Provocative, witty, fun - for all lovers of Paris and New York.

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