
Boom – a cat born with a perpetually worried face

Boom, a cat born with a perpetually worried face

Is Bum, the cat born with a worried face, the new Tardar Sauce, better known as Grumpy Cat? With his squinting eyes, Bum became an internet sensation in no time and is well on his way to repeating the success of Tardo, who secured world fame with his appearance. Like this one, Bum, nicknamed Worried Eyes, has a unique expression on his face, but it does not give the impression of carelessness, but concern. A new cat star is born!

Boom, a cat born with a worried face, he will steal your heart. Millions of views, book, calendar, t-shirts, TV appearances. We are talking about the cat Tardar Sauce or Grumpy Cat, which became famous for its unique appearance, and a similar fate seems to await the cat Bum (nicknamed Worried Eyes, according to our Concerned Eyes), who was born with a perpetually worried expression.

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Bum the cat helps in raising and rehabilitating other cats.
Bum the cat helps in raising and rehabilitating other cats.

When Bum was old four months, together with four other members from the same litter, brought him to an animal shelter San Diego Humane Society, where they instantly fell in love with him. According to the administrators, it is Boom shy in the company of strangers, but once he gets to know them, his inhibitions loosen and he allows himself to be cuddled by everyone. He loves other cats, likes to sleep under the covers and helps raise the young, and also hangs out with injured cats during their rehabilitation. Bum is not only happy like that, he is also hero and role model. You can follow him on Instagram worried_eyes_aka_bum.

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