Have you ever wondered why you came to this world? Why were you born? Do you know that you were born for yourself? You got a chance to live your life!
You weren't born to spend your whole life trying to fix every part of yourself until you're perfect. You were not born to witness your shortcomings and failures. You don't exist to try to be you.
You are here for yourself and for yourself. You are here to become completely yourself, to capture and build your world with your existence. When you do this, you perform the alchemy of reality, and leave a lasting mark on the world around you.
You are here, influencing yourself and doing what you enjoy. But you cannot achieve this influence if you question, doubt, wait and wonder if you are ready and if you dare.
You will not feel fulfilled if you see yourself through the eyes of others and constantly trying to conform, to become something you are not. Many people live convinced that they are so inadequate and unworthy that the only way to escape the vicious cycle of their suffering and dissatisfaction with themselves is to become something they are not.
Photo: Park Street / Unsplash
As you journey through life, reliving the memory of who you really are, who you were, and who you should be, and when you express that truth in every aspect of your life, two important things happen – first, you finally feel good in your own skin, relaxed and calm, and secondly, you give everyone around you permission to be exactly who they are.
You are completely enough for yourself and for your life, you have everything you need. You were born with the interests, gifts, skills, and talents you need to fulfill your unique destiny. And you are here to contribute, make an impact and leave a mark on the world. This is how you change this world with your existence.
You are there to raise your level of consciousness above the level at which it normally operates. To find your way and show it to others and encourage them to find themselves and their way.
You are required to love yourself no matter what – unconditionally – and when you do, you are rewarded by being able to watch things fall into place to see meaning.
Carry a plan, a sketch, a map – you have already been here, you have already done something, there are some tasks left and they are written in this plan that is in you, in your cells, in your energy, on your path and side paths. Simply follow the map, take all the steps and enrich them along the way with choreography that inspires you. Express your world, take it to the world around you with every step.
If you feel empty, inconsistent, dissatisfied, it means that you have not yet found a way to express yourself. And you prefer to be in love with foreign worlds, value systems, you adapt to their standards, ideals, needs.
What would it be like to realize in this moment that you have everything you need, that you are already everything you want to be, and that you are always on the right path? We would be free. There is nothing stopping you from doing it this moment, now.