
Botanical Tattoos: Leaves and Flowers as Templates for Unique Tattoos

Botanical tattoos

Today, it's hard to think of a tattoo that is very different from someone else's tattoo. But the Ukrainian Rita Zolotukhina - Rit Kit invented a way that is different, that is unique, like a unique fingerprint. These are botanically inspired tattoos, which she refers to as botanical prints. Every tattoo is like a fossil, and the final result of the tattoo is unpredictable.

Ukrainian artist Rita Zolotukhina – Butt Whale has a unique way of making tattoos. It sinks into the ink leaf or flower, places the "template" on the skin, and the impression serves as a guide for the karsed an authentic recreation of the unique imprint of the plant. This is exactly why the result of the tattoo is not known in advance.

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The idea grew out of a desire for something bigger connection with nature, she is a big nature lover herself.

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