
Bumper bodies for the IndyCar series, the American version of Formula 1

Honda's IndyCar

IndyCar is a little less known motorsport in our country, because from across the Atlantic we mostly hear about the NASCAR series. But the American version of Formula 1, which has a turbulent history behind it, is slowly getting back on the path of its old glory. Despite spending much less money on race cars that are also significantly more restricted than their F1 brethren, Honda and Chevy have delivered the world's most resilient bodies. Not only do IndyCar racers fight closer and more exciting battles, they also now look better than those from the queen of motorsports.

This season of the series IndyCar will look a lot different than the last few. I mean, everything since 2012 was used by most teams same racing car, same body, with the aim of keeping costs under control. The new ones were distinguished from the old ones only by engines and different color combinations. In recent years, it has only produced single-seaters Dallara, which he offers for around 332 thousand euros. But before this year's season, two engine suppliers also took courage, Chevrolet and Honda, and offered the teams a unique and refined aerodynamic body that will allow changing the settings and thus the ability racing car.

Honda's IndyCar will definitely stand out from the competition on the track. Even if the results are good, we will have to wait for the first races.
Honda's IndyCar will definitely stand out from the competition on the track. Even if the results are good, we will have to wait for the first races.

They will be available for a little while 70 thousand euros and they will be able to be adjusted depending on the type of race, as these are quite different in the IndyCar series.

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Both of them bodywork they are also much more compact than last year's racing cars. Honda, for example, forms 200 components, and the team will only use those that they think make sense for the track. The season opens March 29, 2015 on the streets of St. Petersburg (Florida, USA), and the racers are waiting in the fight for the champion 16 races. And another interesting thing. In the IndyCar season before last, it was more overtaking and management changes, as there have been in Formula 1 in the previous five combined. So if you're missing heart-pounding racing, it might be time to switch motorsports to one that's experiencing a second spring.

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