
Brand Ha ha! as an art project

Important information
Red Gallery, Dolenjska 83, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Opening of the exhibition

Brand Ha ha! as an art project

February 13, 2012 at 7:30 p.m

Brand Ha ha! (with the English subtitle The LifeSmile Brand) approaches the customer with a smile and a flood of freshness that originates from the drawing and painting motifs of the creative cluster of the young generation of academic painters. Based on colorful patterns and original prints, they are integrated into the lifestyle of those hearty people who see the world through a positive prism through paper goods, bags, textile products and, last but not least, lamps. An eccentric design that flirts with street fashion and recreates it at the same time. Recycling of nostalgic elements in an explosively visionary style. Happiness in life in a tangible form.

The authors of the artistic brand are an illustrator and an animator Milanka Fabjančič and a painter Miha Perne.

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