
Eshima Ohashi Bridge – a bridge that resembles a death train

Eshima Ohashi bridge

Driving across the Eshima Ohashi Bridge feels like riding a death train. The 1,700-meter-long and 11.4-meter-wide bridge in Japan is built with a frightening slope, namely with the aim of allowing ships to sail under it on Lake Nakaumi. Fasten your seat belts or you'll end up on the windshield!

You've probably seen many scary bridges, but none beats the bridge Eshima Ohashi across Lake Nakaumi in Japan, which connects the cities of Matsue and Sakaiminato. It has a bridge incredible slope, which can be compared to the one on Vršič!

READ MORE: The scariest bridges in the world

Its construction is similar to the construction of railway tracks roller coaster. It's on one side of the bridge slope 6.1%, on the other 5.1, which means that looks are a bit deceiving and that the whole thing is not as scary as it looks.

Crazy Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan.
Crazy Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan.

Still, there is a climb up and down the Eshima Ohashi Bridge a real adventure and at least a little reminiscent of a death train ride.

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