
A bridge that twists and turns

In China next year, the miracle of a bridge that twists, weaves and twists in its enormous dimensions will grow.

Company Next from Amsterdam and from Beijing (has its headquarters in both capitals) is the winner of the competition for the bridge that will be built in Meixi Lake near Changsha in Hunan, ChinaMeixi Lake represents a sustainable model of a city located in the mentioned province and slowly becoming part of China, which is developing the fastest.

In work “Dragon King Harbor River” will be building a new bridge next year and a few days ago they closed the competition and announced the winner. Construction of the bridge will begin next year, and judging by Next's idea, the bridge will intertwine, twist and meander. As Nex said, this bridge does more than just connect. The concept used the Mobius loop and the symbols of the Chinese people of art. Considering that it is a bridge over the Dragon King Harbor River, its shape can also resemble waves.

The bridge will be a landmark of the new era of Meixi Lake City.
The bridge will be a landmark of the new era of Meixi Lake City.

The bridge will be 150 meters long and 24 meters high, and it will be intended for pedestrians. It will offer wonderful views of the river, the city and the mountains. The date by which it should be completed has not yet been revealed, but a new recognizable sign of the city is definitely promising Meixi Lake.

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