
Brodo: a new standard for sandwiches

At the beginning of the year, a new bar came to life in the center of Ljubljana. Brodo, the new sandwich shop on the ground floor of Metalka, is currently the most "in" takeaway restaurant in the capital. What Luka and Urška managed a year ago with meals at the Ludi snack bar, this year they transferred it to a quick lunch packed in a bagel.

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A boat
Dalmatinova Street 2
Mon–Fri: 10:00–17:00
040 549 440

A boat it already expresses with its image metropolitan character, typical of Berlin or New York. The interior they designed Mertelj Vrabič Architects, is refined and consistent with a carefully crafted menu and a premium selection of ingredients.

READ MORE: Snack bar Luda: Fine dishes at affordable prices

Sandwiches with a new dimension.
Sandwiches with a new dimension.

It is available five different sandwiches, which are being prepared right in the shop window in front of passers-by. But these culinary creations go far beyond the word "sandwich" - bread made according to its own recipe, in which carefully selected and prepared ingredients complement each other in taste and structure, turns this otherwise undemanding dish into an unrepeatable experience. For dessert, large homemade ones are available cookies, but now they have also joined the Brodo family salads. The authors of the snack bar Crazy managed to establish a new standard for sandwiches in the Brodo bar. And whoever wants to achieve it will not have an easy task.

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