
The Berce brothers with the tabletop game Tracker on Kickstarter

Brothers Tim and Žiga Berce have created the board game Tracker, which they are competing for funds on Kickstarter. In just over 24 hours, they collected almost half of the desired funds, and there is a high probability that they will collect more than enough funds to start production within a month. And what is so interesting about the Tracker game?

Basic information
a post nuclear disaster
The price

The team and Berce stamp, which before the launch of the campaign on Kickstarter completed via 200 test games with enthusiasts of this kind of free time, have been developing the game since 2011. The final product is action adventure strategy board game Tracker, right a post-apocalyptic adventure, full actions and twists and turns. This is a game in which "those who die still have a chance to win".

And how is the gameplay going? Group survivors, which it consists of from four to eight players, struggles for power in the game artifacts, but they use classical dice, toy figures and cards with missions, artifacts and weapons. To win, the player must collect eight points, which he can do by collecting artifacts, chasing opponents with weapons, or by completing missions. If no one collects enough points, the victory goes to the last survivor. All the time, they are ambushed by teammates and various radiation challenges, which take away their strength. They are also haunted by "dead" teammates who can still win the game, as they return to the world as zombies.

And that's what makes the game different from everyone else. Tim and Žiga also dealt with the question of how to preserve the game fun even for those who lose in the game. We all remember the moments when the early losers remained silent observers until the end of the game, more or less bored while waiting for the end. No one will feel the feeling of boredom when playing Tracker, but as a zombie, you can honestly mix up your teammates and even win.

You can pre-order Tracker here.

For the victory that comes with this game unpredictable and she is until the end of the game impossible to predict, is needed tactical and strategic thinking. As young Tim, a student of social science informatics at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana, confided to us during the creation of the game, many times representatives of the fairer sex we turn out to be right, almost bloodthirsty fighters, which in planned destruction of opponents they don't see any problem.

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