
Brushing your teeth should not be a routine task

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We can only be thorough enough when brushing our teeth if we choose high-quality and effective tools that, when used correctly, allow us to have perfectly clean teeth. The best choice is a combination of a toothbrush and interdental brushes, as this is the only way to ensure that we have properly cleaned all surfaces of our teeth and prevent numerous problems such as gingivitis, caries, tartar and bad breath.

Toothbrush: it doesn't matter what you choose

In order to clean your teeth effectively without damaging the sensitive oral mucosa, choose soft, gentle tools. He should have a toothbrush thousands of soft, fine polyester bristles, with whom you will quality cleaning of hard-to-reach places, such as the gingival margin. This is where dental plaque accumulates the most, but we often forget to clean it, which often leads to the formation of tartar, which we cannot remove ourselves. But we can act in time and make sure that it does not arise at all.

The most common mistakes when brushing your teeth

According to Alenka Seljak, doctor of dental medicine, we most often make mistakes on our own tooth brushing techniques. Right-handed people usually start brushing their teeth on the top left and continue towards the top right. Then they move the toothbrush to the lower left quadrant and end up in the lower right. Consequences? On the upper left, the teeth are brushed too hard, because the hand is relaxed, we use (too) strong force and there are consequences mechanical damage to the gums, exposed tooth necks and tooth sensitivity. On the right side of the lower jaw, the teeth are often not brushed at all; the hand is already tired, we are more superficial, and the result is dental plaque, inflamed gums and caries. The solution is simple. Consciously change the quadrants or the beginnings of the toothbrush journey.

Photo: Curaden

Interdental brushes: the tool that separates us from perfect oral care

Clean interdental spaces are vital for several reasons. Because of their shape and structure, the gums are more likely to clean less well or not at all. This can lead to tooth decay, which likes to develop right in the interdental spaces, and to gingivitis, which usually starts in these narrow, hard-to-reach areas when soft plaque has not been properly removed.

Simple and effective

Using interdental brushes is easy and usually two different sizes are sufficient. It is a good idea to choose interdental brushes that have soft bristles and a thin but firm wire core, but we must also pay attention to the appropriate size: if they are too small, they will not clean effectively enough, and if they are too large, they can damage the gums.

Routine page

It is also good to keep in mind that brushing your teeth should not be a routine task, so it does not matter how long we brush them, but that we do it concentratedly and systematically - by cleaning all accessible surfaces of all teeth in the mouth with the toothbrush bristles. Only in this way can we ensure that we have cleaned our teeth and gum line really thoroughly. The choice of toothbrush also helps us to drive away the daily routine in the bathroom. Your gums will definitely fall in love with the 5460 ultra-soft and effective bristles from the first time you brush them. We can also step out of the established framework and choose brushes with cute motifs - perfect for this time of year. special Valentine's Day double pack of brushes CS 5460 ultra soft. Available for a limited time only, find your heart's desire quickly at retail outlets.

Photo: Curaprox

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