Why do people seem to leave at certain times in life? Or maybe you're the one celebrating them? When does patience end? When do you finally stop giving second chances?
We've been taught that we have to persevere, that we have to forgive, that we have to maintain relationships no matter what. But is that really the right path?
What if certain people drain you? What if they don't respect you? What if your life is better without them? Do you really still need to open the door for them?
The answer is simple: NO!
I will no longer apologize for choosing myself. I will no longer invest in relationships that are a burden to me. You can go. You can leave. I will not stop you. Go, as soon as possible!
Decisions that are not easy, but necessary
I spent too much time in circles where people took me for granted. I was there when they needed me, I listened to their problems, I supported their wishes, but when I needed the same – silence. People are capable of accepting as long as you give them, but when you set boundaries, they hurt.
It's not about anger. It's not about revenge. It's about liberation.
They convinced me that I had to be patient, that I had to understand, that I had to give in. But who gives in to me? Who asks what I need? Who makes an effort to understand my feelings?
The answer is painfully clear: only a few.
So I decided – no more.
I will no longer play therapist to people who won't listen to me. I will no longer maintain relationships just because they have a history. I will no longer give space in my life to those who hold me back.
I've decided to move on. And if that means closing the door behind me, then it should be locked.
I will no longer let people take advantage of me.
For years, I was the one who always said yes. Need help? Sure. Need advice? I'm here. Having a bad day? Tell me all about it.
But where are you when I need you?
I realized that some people in my life were just taking advantage of my kindness. They weren't returning it. They were just taking. And I let them.
Now I know that my time is not free. My energy is not infinite. If I am not important enough to you to even think of me, then I no longer have to carry your burdens.
I can't stand the same arguments and excuses anymore.
How many times have you heard: Sorry, it won't happen again? How many times have you believed that people would change? The truth is simple: people don't change their patterns if they don't have to.
If someone disappoints you for the fifth time, it's not an unfortunate set of circumstances - it's his decisionIf someone doesn't respect your boundaries, it's not a misunderstanding – this is disrespectful.
I won't wait for you to change anymore. If you have to be reminded repeatedly about basic respect, you'll never give it.
The difference between opinions and values is too great
We may have different tastes in music. You may not like my favorite movie. We may have different hobbies. But if your “opinion” means you don’t respect other people, then it’s no longer a matter of difference – it’s a matter of your morality.
I will not waste my time with people who advocate cruelty, hatred, ignorance. I will not teach you basic human decency. If you don't have it, then I want nothing to do with you.
If there's no more spark in our relationship, then it's over.
Sometimes we maintain relationships simply because of our shared past. But what about the present? What about the future?
If we no longer look forward to our conversations, if we meet only out of habit, if there is no longer any curiosity or laughter – why do we even persist? I don't want to live in the past. If our time has passed, let's go our separate ways.
I will no longer be afraid to be honest.
Before, I always searched for the right words, tried not to hurt, softened the truth. But why? Why should I be stingy with words if I'm the one suffering?
If someone is being mean, I will tell them. If I feel taken advantage of, I will make it clear. And if someone is offended by it – that is not my problem, it is theirs.
I deserve peace.
When I started to free myself from toxic relationships, I noticed something incredible – my life became easier. Less stress. Less worry. More energy. More joy. Why bother with something that doesn't bring me any good?
Some relationships simply fall apart.
Sometimes people don't move away on purpose. We just grow in different directions. I started a new chapter, you stayed in the old one. And that's okay. There's nothing wrong with us going our separate ways. I'm not going to ask you to stay. And I'm not going to force myself to stick around.
This is not selfishness – this is self-love.
This is not revenge. This is personal growth. This is not loneliness. This is freedom. This is not coldness. It is a choice – the choice of a life without unnecessary burdens.