
A building that looks like a tree

Modern construction always surprises. This fact is also confirmed by the building, which with its interestingly arranged balconies resembles a mighty tree spreading its leaf-strewn branches towards the warm Mediterranean sun.

In the middle Montpellier, in the charming south of France, she grew mighty building, which with its branched appearance is reminiscent of elegant a tree. L'Arbre Blanc respectively White tree, as the iconic building was named, grew out of a design concept inspired by traditional life at the Mediterranean Sea. The pleasant Mediterranean climate definitely calls for spending free time in the open air, and the mighty tower with its small apartments, which include superbly designed terraces and balconies, definitely meets the needs of an individual who, despite living in a block of flats, wants to spend most of his time under warm sun and fresh air.

The higher we go in the building, the more beautiful the panorama is, which fascinates us when we look through the modern railings. The balconies are arranged tactfully like leaves, as they overlap each other and provide each other with pleasant shade. The fascinating project is the fruit of the imagination of architectural bureaus Sou Fujimoto Architects, Nicolas Laisné Associés and Manal Rachdi Oxo Architects.

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