
Buon Appetito? Etiquette in Italian restaurants

Etiquette in Italian restaurants

Bonton v italjanskih restavracijah
Photo. Josh/Unsplash

There's nothing like a hearty plate of pasta, a delicious pizza, or a refreshing ice cream to satisfy our cravings. Italian cuisine is loved all over the world, but it is important to remember that it also brings with it a series of customs and manners that must be observed. From ordering to tipping, there are several common etiquette mistakes people make in Italian restaurants.

Dining in an Italian restaurant is a wonderful experience, but one must remember that it comes with its own customs and manners and etiquette. Avoiding these ten etiquette mistakes will not only show respect for Italian culinary traditions, but also improve your dining experience. So the next time you're at an Italian restaurant, don't forget about it.

Photo: Jaknovičov/Pexels

Mispronunciation of menu items

It is important to know how to pronounce menu items correctly. If you're not sure how to say something, don't be afraid to ask the waiter for directions. But don't try to fake an Italian accent or use exaggerated gestures; it is better to be respectful and humble.

Ordering pasta with the wrong sauce

Each form of pasta has a special sauce that best complements it. For example, spaghetti goes well with tomato sauces, and fettuccine goes well with cream sauces. Do not make the mistake of ordering pasta with the wrong sauce - this can be considered a major culinary mistake in Italy.

Don't leave space even for a second

In Italy, there are usually two courses: the first course of pasta or soup and the second course of meat or fish. If you order the first dish, make sure you save room for the second. This is a sign of respect for the chef and the restaurant.

Etiquette in Italian restaurants
Etiquette in Italian restaurants. Dining in an Italian restaurant is a wonderful experience, but one must remember that it comes with its own customs and etiquette.
Photo: Mikita/Unsplash

Adding Parmesan to Seafood

In Italy, cheese is rarely used with seafood. Adding Parmesan to seafood pasta or risotto is considered a big mistake. If you're not sure whether or not to add cheese, ask your server for advice.

Cutting pasta with a knife

Italians never cut their pasta with a knife; considered uncivilized. Instead, they spin the pasta on a fork, using a spoon if necessary. Cutting pasta with a knife is a big no-no in Italian restaurants.

Without using a bread plate

If there is a bread basket on the table, use the provided bread plate. Do not tear off a piece of bread or eat it directly from the basket; as this is considered unhygienic.

An order of cappuccino after the meal

In Italy, cappuccino is exclusively a breakfast drink. Ordering one per meal is considered unusual and unattractive. Opt for an espresso or digestif like limoncello instead.

Changing dishes

Italians are proud of their culinary traditions and recipes. Asking to change or change the dish can be seen as disrespectful. If you have dietary restrictions, it is best to inquire about the menu beforehand.

You don't finish your plate

Leaving food on the plate is considered waste in Italy. It is important to order only what you can eat and to show respect to the chef, finish your plate.

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