
Bužec he, bužec me

After a long time, we can catch one of the best actresses in our country on stage again, and at the same time do something good for people who need our help. Lions Club International Krško organizes a viewing of a stand-up comedy, which collected almost everything possible in the Slovenian space, as part of a charity event...

Important information
Kulturni dom Krško, Trg Matije Gubca 2, Krško
Facebook event
Entrance fee
13 euros

After a long time, we can catch one of the best actresses in our country on stage again, and at the same time do something good for people who need our help. The Lions Club International Krško organizes a viewing of the mono-comedy as part of the charity event, which has won almost all possible awards for stage works in Slovenia, including the Prešeren Fund award and the Golden Shell. The fantastic Saša Pavček, directed by Boris Cavazza, presents a funny but poignant story of a simple Lucana from the coastal countryside, which convinces everyone in the audience precisely because of its simplicity and sincere attitude to life. 

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