
Calorie Brands number of calories as a brand logo

Famous logos as a calorie count

Calorie Brands is an Instagram profile that features redesigned logos of well-known brands that offer various food products. But it is not a classic change of logo, instead of the famous name there is the number of calories that the product contains. According to the creators, this is how logos should look in order to help you achieve your body goals.

Logo is the pillar of the brand and represents the first contact with a potential future user of the product or service. With its attractive appearance, it often deceives us and divert attention with important things such as number of calories, which contains them. Project Calorie Brands but he turns his attention to calories.

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Would you still buy the product if it were listed with the number of calories they contain, or would you rather reach for something else that might not be the same? famous name, but it also doesn't have that many calories. Recommended daily intake calories for an average adult person for women is otherwise 1940 calories, and in men 2550.

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