
Can a break save a relationship?

Photo: imdb

Unfortunately, the phase of falling in love does not last forever, sooner or later various problems arise in the relationship that you did not expect. Is a relationship break the right solution?

Whether a break is the right solution depends on the state of the relationship. From how much both of you are willing to work on solving problems in the relationship and your personal problems.

Work on yourself, self-development, does not stop the moment you find a partner.

A serious relationship can be a difficult task because you have to pay attention to yourself and your actions. In it you develop as a person and at the same time build a relationship with another person.

Healthy communication is a good part of any quality relationship. The way you handle problems says a lot about you and the two of you as a couple. Do arguments lead you to solutions, or do you ignore problems?

A lot also depends on how you look at the break. For some, a break is a preparation for parting, a sign that everything is over, while for others it is a time for reflection.

A pause. Photo: Pietra Schwarzler / Unsplash

What does a break mean to you? Do you just want a break from someone, so you view the breakup as a distraction from the problem because you want to get away from the whole situation?

Or you don't want to run away from the person you are in a relationship with, but you just want to run away from the situation and look at the problem objectively?

If you just want a break from someone - you've already answered the question of whether you want to be in a relationship with that person. A relationship shouldn't be tiring - your partner is the one you want to share your life with. Your partner should be your refuge, not a source of stress.

But if it's a time when you need to see where you've made mistakes and where your partner has made them, and what you can do to improve the relationship - a break can be a great solution.

A pause. Photo: Alex Suprun / Unsplash

Taking a break can be an objective look at your relationship.

The answer to the question of whether a breakup is a lifeline for a relationship is not black and white. There are many things that this answer can depend on.

Therefore, before you decide to end the relationship, you need to define what you want from the break! You try to be honest with yourself and your partner, because you owe respect to both your relationship and the person you are in a relationship with.

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