
Can eye color say this about your personality?! That's what scientists say!

Eyes are the mirror of the soul!

Photo: envato

You must have heard that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And apparently this statement is not made out of thin air - scientists have found a connection between eye color and personality. And what does your color say about you?

According to a study conducted by scientists at Orebro University in Sweden, patterns in the iris can indicate whether we are a warm personality that people trust, or whether we are neurotic and impulsive.

Another study they did at the University of Edinburgh, studied the connection between eye color and personality. "The eye is so neurologically connected to the brain that it can be said to be the only part of the brain that we can see."

This is what your eye color says about your personality...

1. Dark brown eyes

Dark brown eyes
Dark brown eyes

They are leaders by nature. Even if you're not sure of it yourself, it might surprise you that other people see you that way. If you have almost black eyes, then you have one of the rarest eye colors. That is why you are often considered mysterious. A study conducted at Fort Hays State University found that people with such dark eyes are better at sports where they have to hit a target (such as tennis). Yet another study published in Individual Differences says yes "people with dark brown eyes drink less than people with light eyes".

2. Brown eyes

Brown eyes
Brown eyes

According to a study by Charles University in Prague, those who have brown eyes are loyal, trustworthy people, respected and gentle, but by no means submissive. A study in Chronobiology International, however, found that brown-eyed people sleep two hours less than those with light eyes, and generally have poorer sleep. They also have a harder time waking up in the morning.

3. Blue eyes

Blue eyes
Blue eyes

Inner and physical strength - these are two qualities that blue-eyed people have, but unfortunately many do not see it. Moreover, they perceive you as shy, unreliable and weak. Medical Daily reports that many people perceive those with blue eyes as competitive and egotistical. A study from the University of Pittsburgh found that blue-eyed women tolerate pain better during childbirth. If you have blue eyes, you are probably a curious but careful person. And there's nothing wrong with that.

4. Gray eyes

Gray eyes
Gray eyes

Gray eyes are not common. You are a very balanced person or you have two sides - depending on who is on the other side. This can be a good or bad trait, and it all depends on how much control you have over your emotions. If you have light gray eyes, it means that you have to work a little harder for things and to be taken seriously. It's hard for you to open up, but you care immensely for those you love.

5. Hazel eyes

Hazel eye color
Hazel eye color

This eye color is also not common, and people with this color often hear from a young age that they are unique. It's hard for your surroundings to read you, but otherwise you have a balanced personality and never jump to extremes.

6. Green eyes

Green eyes
Green eyes

Most people find you mysterious, attractive and sexy. You are pleasant but dominant, strong but cautious. Ophthalmologist Hamadi Kallel says that people with such eyes are self-sufficient, often unpredictable, but slow to anger. Original, creative and work well even under greater pressures.

It's important to remember that while these studies link eye color to personality traits, it's experiences that define who we are and how we respond. Every day is a lesson and we don't have to be what we were yesterday, even today. 🙂

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