
Canary - a smart device that protects your house better than cameras and a watchdog

Canary, a home security system

Keeping our home safe shouldn't be scary, frustrating or complicated. So meet Canary, a home security system packed into a single cute smart device that you can control from your smartphone. It has a built-in HD camera, microphone, motion sensor, alarm (with a sound intensity of more than 90 dB), night view, temperature, air quality and humidity meter, and Wi-Fi technology. With this in the apartment, you can be completely calm when you are away.

Basic information
The price

Canary it is home security system packed into one single smart device with countless skills. We set up the security system in just a few minutes, so in advance no need to break down walls, pull cables, mount scary cameras in corners, etc., as we are used to when installing classic house security systems. Now all you need is the aforementioned device, a storage surface and Internet connection.

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Canary works friendly and unobtrusive.
Canary works friendly and unobtrusive.

Canary serves as a security system (it has a built-in wide-angle 1080p camera with 147-degree field of view) through which we can check what is happening at home anywhere and anytime (during work, on vacation, etc.), and like a good watchdog, "bark" via smartphone if something is wrong in the premises. It also enables storage recently gathered information into the cloud, and it is also ideal for its mobility for tenants and travelers. You can get it for a good 220 euros.

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