
Canon and rodents?

Apparently, the Canon company wanted to upgrade the union of "useful with useful" and sent for sale a "thinned" symbiotic hybrid of a mouse and a desktop calculator. The X Mark I Mouse Slim, as the model is called, is therefore a (lucky?) combination of a numeric keypad and ...

Apparently they wanted to upgrade the combination of "useful with useful" at Canon and sent for sale a "thinned" symbiotic hybrid of a mouse and a desktop calculator. The X Mark I Mouse Slim, as the model is called, is therefore a (lucky?) combination of a numeric keyboard and a computer rodent with two click ears and a central wheel, under which a 10-digit LED display extends. The connection to the computer, which in most cases will be of the portable type, is "blue tooth" (2.0). The mouse's laser boasts 1200 DPI, and is compatible with all newer Windows as well as Mac operating systems.

Price: 34.99 euros, available at www.expansys.si

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