
Mardi Gras: “DIY” Mardi Gras Costumes for Couples

Carnival costumes for couples are perfect for all lovers this year. Since this year Valentine's Day and Carnival (Saturday) overlap, check out the best "DIY" (do-it-yourself) carnival costumes for couples in the rich gallery.

A rich gallery where the best are hidden “DIY” carnival costumes for couples, should serve as creative inspiration for all couples who will spend Valentine's Day with their friends at a crazy carnival party. To make the birth even more joyful, let's make our own costumes this year, and when making them, let us be inspired by the costumes of couples who, among other things, dressed up as a robber, a magician and his rabbit, a couple of Mish, a pizza delivery boy and his pizza, in Klimt's "The Kiss" and the lovers from the movie Brilliant. More in the gallery.

READ MORE: Mardi Gras: The Best Group Mardi Gras Masks and Costumes

In the gallery, let's check which are the best "DIY" carnival costumes for couples.

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