
Carnival doughnut: Why do we eat carnival donuts for carnival?

"Lean, greasy mouth," they say. But why is this so? Why can't we imagine the carnival without donuts, where does the fluffy goodness come from, which is the most famous Slovenian donut and how to make them even sweeter? We reveal all the secrets of carnival donuts to you in the next article.

We answer the most common questions that arise when the word donut is mentioned.

Why do we eat donuts for Lent?

Before Julius Caesar's calendar, the New Year was celebrated in the spring, and the old devils say that full plates during Lent bring a bountiful harvest. If we throw in the fact that Mardi Gras is followed by a 40-day fast, it is easy to believe that during the Mardi Gras period (in addition to other traditional fatty foods), fatty, golden-brown baked donuts have always been appropriate.

Where do donuts come from?

Although the origin of delicious donuts is not completely clear, some claim that they were discovered by the Viennese chef Cecilia Krapf, others that donuts were already prepared in ancient Roman kitchens. According to an old legend, they were created when a cook who was unhappily in love threw bread dough into hot oil. Anyway, the Slovenian name for donuts definitely comes from the German word "krapfen".

Which donut is the most famous in Slovenia?

Among the donuts in Slovenia, the giant Trojan donut, which was invented in 1961 by chef Rajka, is definitely the most recognized. Today, her recipe for delicious donuts is a closely guarded secret, and the product is a trademark protected by the golden sign of Slovenian quality.

READ MORE: Recipe - The best carnival donut

How can home-baked donuts be even better?

  • It often happens that there is no white rim on our doughnuts. This only succeeds if the donuts are sufficiently risen.
  • Hollow donuts can be avoided by carefully beating the dough, taking care not to trap too much air in the dough.
  • Dry donuts are the result of storage in the refrigerator. Donuts are always stored at room temperature, covered with food foil.
  • Brown donuts with a raw center are the result of too much sugar, which tends to brown, and too high an oil temperature.
  • The kitchen, ingredients and tools for baking donuts should be warmed to room temperature for perfect results.
  • Donuts can also be shaped by rolling out the dough as thick as a finger and using a special cutter to cut out circles.
  • The oil is sufficiently heated when bubbles begin to form around the cooking pot immersed in it.
  • A pinch of salt will prevent the oil from foaming during frying.
  • Fry the donuts in a large amount of oil, which should be enough so that the donuts float in it.
  • For an even better taste, the mass is enriched with sweet cream and grated lemon peel.

Are you tempted to make a slightly different doughnut? Then check the recipe; Easy donuts with homemade vanilla cream

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