
Magical makeup inspired by astrological signs

We are in the period of Mercury retrograde, which astrologers attach great importance to. They believe that during this period is not a good time for purchases, especially devices intended for transport or communication, nor should contracts or other important documents be signed. Believe it or not, makeup artist Setareh Hosseini wants to help you through this difficult time. For this purpose, she created this magical make-up, for which she found inspiration in the astrological signs. Find yours!

Girls who are passionate about make-up and over horoscope, read on. Setareh Hosseini, makeup artist from Toronto, wants to help us through the period with these wonderful looks of retrograde Mercury, which will last until May 3. And here it is makeup for every astrological sign especially. Find yours!

READ MORE: The most beautiful people are born in this astrological sign

Gallery - Magical looks inspired by astrological signs

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