
A magical day in Bled

The eleventh in a series of charity social events, it will ensure that there will be variety both on stage and below it. Numerous workshops will cater to the youngest, and the stage will be filled with musicians and dancers: Anika Horvat, Nuša Derenda, Alenka Gotar, Katarina Mala, Nino, Jay Dance Studio and many others. Charity is ...

Important information
različne lokacije, Bled
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Že enajsti v nizu dobrodelno družabnih dogodkov, bo poskrbel, da bo pestro tako na odru, kot pod njim. Številne delavnice bodo poskrbele za najmlajše, oder pa bodo napolnili glasbeniki in plesalci: Anika Horvat, Nuša Derenda, Alenka Gotar, Katarina Mala, Nino, Jay Dance Studio in mnogi drugi. Dobrodelnost je tokrat namenjena za celoletne obšolske dejavnosti otrok iz socialno šibkejših družin.

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