
Cars of these colors retain their value best and sell for more!

Does the color of a car affect its resale value?

The preservation of the car's value depends not only on the model of the car itself, but also on its color. Here are some colors that statistically increased the value of a used vehicle.

Although it is the most common customer choice of a new car one of the neutral colors, for example black, grey, silver or white, in fact such a choice has a bad effect on resale vehicle and maintaining its value.

A recent study confirmed that "vibrantly" colored cars hold their price significantly better on the used vehicle market.

Yellow car is worth as much as 13.8 percent more than the same silver model after three years. The red is worth 12.2 percent more, and the amazing fact is that every beige model is worth as much as 27.6 percent more than the average.

Maximum loss of value you will feel it if you buy a purple car, because after three years it will be worth 8.9 percent less than the average, but you risk a little less with gold shades - they lose about 6.1 percent of their value.

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