
Casino's Santa's Mini Date

December, the month of washing and gifts, is here. Right at the beginning, the first of the holy men who bring gifts will visit us. Through the dance story, we will get to know Santa Claus, who comes to us on foot or on a sleigh pulled by a horse-drawn carriage. ...

Important information
Kazina Dance School, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
for free

December, the month of washing and gifts, is here. Right at the beginning, the first of the holy men who bring gifts will visit us.

We will get to know each other through a dance story Nicholas, which comes to us on foot or on a sleigh pulled by a horse-drawn carriage. It comes out of the darkness of the winter night into the light of simple peasant rooms and into the luxurious rooms of city houses and disappears again into the darkness of the night. Saint Nicholas brings modest gifts.

He leaves walnuts, apples, figs, tangerines, dried fruit, sweets on plates or in socks set for him by the children.

Children between the ages of 4 and 8, join us on Saturday, December 3, between 10:00 and 11:00.

He will be with you Daniel Michon.

Visiting Mini Date is free.

The project is partially co-financed by the Ministry of Finance.

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