
Playhouses with Pika Nogavicka

Nevenka Vrančič - NECJARINKOLA and her assistants this time run casinos dedicated to the heroine Pika Nogavička.

Important information
SNG Nova Gorica
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Through fairy tales and songs, children learn games, strengthen their fantasy world and small hand skills. This is how they peek into the world of theatrical creation and surrender to new fairy-tale experiences. This time it will be Pika Nogavička's turn, and the playrooms are dedicated to children from 5 to 10 years old. Theater plays are held once a month on Saturdays in the premises of SNG Nova Gorica, and this season there will also be workshops: Fairies and Dwarves, Prazjujemo polad and Medvedek Pooh.

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