In Ben Stassen's animated family adventure, Blisk, a young abandoned cat, seeks shelter from a storm and takes refuge in a mysterious mansion owned by retired wizard Lawrence, also known as Lorenzo the Glorious. The film was based on the so-called attraction film, a 12-minute film from ten years ago called Haunted House.
Submarine - Malaria Island, based on a quality film and diverse accompanying content, has grown into a real festival.
In June, a new edition of the Photonic Moments festival is coming to Ljubljana - The Month of Photography. Every two years, it brings a series of exhibitions, lectures, screenings, workshops...
It's time again for the Franja Marathon, which is a holiday for all Slovenian cyclists. Franja is not only a marathon, but a series of events for all generations.
Mmm, we already like this atmosphere better, don't we? The barbecue is already smelling from the gardens, the wind is gently ruffling our hair and summer is waking up with all its fervor. In order not to miss a second of this fantastic atmosphere, we make sure that the weekends are long and, above all, well used.
The drama festival begins with the play Marina Abramović or How I Lost My Way to Antigone.
The Rollings are coming to Vienna. Yes, musical legends who have been living the rock and roll lifestyle since the beginning of the sixties will perform at our neighbors in Vienna.
All summer long, we will indulge ourselves with light and fresh dishes that nature offers us. Since it already smells like summer outside, we will spoil our taste buds with light seafood delicacies and fresh desserts at the cooking academy in June. So let's roll up our sleeves and leave it to the trained chefs, who will also entrust us with a recipe.
On Sunday, we can help those affected by the floods with Kino Šiška and the bands Elvis Jackson, Repetitor and Damir Avdić.
The sale and exhibition art festival ARTish is once again moving outdoors, under the blue sky, to the center of Ljubljana.
Kino Otok is coming, a festival of cinemas from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, which brings a lot of socializing with film art.
Also this year, for the nineteenth time, Jazz Cerkno will take place. Despite the recession, jazz music will resound through the streets of Cerkno and turn it into the capital of jazz at the end of May.