Film je posnet po literarni uspešnici avtorice Somrak sage Stephenie Meyer, ki nas popelje v bližnjo prihodnost, v kateri je na kocki usoda človeške rase. Zemljo so namreč zavzeli miroljubni Nezemljani, znani kot duše, in se naselili v ume ljudi, pri tem pa njihova telesa pustili nedotaknjena. Melanie je tako ...
The creators of the animated adventures Shrek, Madagascar and Kung fu Panda take us far into prehistoric times, where we meet the Krud family. The main rule of the head of the Gruga family is that, except to find food, they never leave the safe haven of their home cave, which is very upsetting to his inquisitive growing up...
The elite military unit GI Joe is returning to the movie screen, this time also in a special 3D technique. The story is a continuation of the first part and is directly connected to its end, when members of the evil organization Kobra take control of the country. Their first task is to excommunicate a unit of GI Joe special forces who have prevented their...
Jack is a poor young man who lives with his uncle and works on their farm, and has always dreamed of great adventures. When a young servant one day inadvertently opens a gate between our world and that of a fearsome race of giants, a violent ancient war reignites. For centuries, banished giants...
The only international event for new and used photo equipment here allows not only inspection and purchase, but also testing of various devices and related equipment. At the fair, some prominent photographers will prepare workshops and...
At the end of the days of comedy, Tadej Toš is preparing a smechology lecture about laughter. It is an intelligent and funny stand-up comedian's view of the current situation in our...
After Thursday's official training, the following days of the weekend will be reserved for sportsmanship under and on top of the ski jump. The annual test of the most aerodynamic athletes on skis is also accompanied by fun...
The most fun part of the ski season that is about to end attracts the biggest "specialists", who dare to swim in the pool with boards on their feet after all the snow acrobatics. The unique weekend is marked by a party with DJs at the ice bar and barbecue with animations and, of course, competition in various categories. The most spectacular of these...
The days of industrial robotics bring interesting things from the world of robots closer to us. The whole week will be marked by lectures in the field of robotics. We will be able to see the robots in action or try their hand at operating them. In addition to these three, there will be five other original...
We will get to know the exotic culture of the East through martial arts workshops: iaida, iaijūtsu, naginatajutsu, kendo and kyudo. The masters will introduce us to self-defense, fighting, kato and the use of classic Japanese weapons such as sai, tonfa and bo. There will also be a workshop on illustration, writing, origami and...
Exchange, purchase and browsing of collectable and unique products will mark this year with the fabulous number seven. We have in mind the auction of rare children's books, a large number of Pez figurines and the fairy tale The Golden Bird, which will occupy a special place. Along with big collectors, this time there will also be a lot of...
We will enter the world of desserts through grandmother's recipes, and supplement them with new sweet treats. Home-baked cookies, cakes or real grandmother's potica will be on the table together with muffins, tarts, shortbread cakes... We will deepen the pleasures, modern or traditional, with selected...