The exhibition arose, like many artistic acts, from a critical attitude. Curator Lenka Kukurova, together with the art group Kassaboys, prepared and created a series of uniforms and military ranks. These move away from the military world, as they are intended for artists and show their...
From the very beginning, it is necessary to reveal who is hiding behind the word "guests" in the title, so that the evening of thirteen carefully selected arias from cult opera works will be even more attractive. The mezzo-soprano Jadranka Juras and the bass of Tomaž Štular accompanied by the piano of Tadej Horvat will take us to the world treasure of opera. A selection of...
With the beginning of the month, most of the information about the most spectacular stage events around New Year's Eve is already known. We will write more about these in the next issue, but as an introduction to the holiday month, it is still appropriate to introduce Cirque Éloize, because there is already a lot of interest in it. Of course, this is by no means ...
The new stage production, also the first performed at the new stage venue in Kranje, deals with the life of the Hollywood legend. Marlene Dietrich is not only interesting today because of the twentieth anniversary of her death, it is primarily a matter of fascination with her non-conformist approach to life during the great world...
Zadnjih šest dni bo veselje po pričakovanju doseglo najvišjo točko. Za to bo poskrbelo tudi šest glasbenih skupin, ki bodo gotovo privabile veliko število obiskovalcev. V sredo začnejo novoletno rajanje Blue Angel Gang, naslednji dan nadaljujejo Victory, v petek pa Soul, jazz in jaz. Zadnje tri dni bo ...
Večer bo poln nostalgičnih melodij, ki nas bodo popeljale v čas otroštva, čustev ali prazničnega razpoloženja. Za prijetno vzdušje bo poskrbela tudi bogata ponudba pijač in likalnih dobrot. Še pred božičnim predvečerom se tako lahko podružimo s prijatelji in znanci v mestnem ...
In the third week of December, tradition will come to the fore. Kamnik will be visited by three choirs between December 19 and 25, each of which makes its mark and develops folk singing in its own field. Thursday will be marked by the First Slovenian Singing Society Lira. Together with the Brinke Women's Vocal Group, they will accompany the opening...
Eden najbolj žlahtnih glasov slovenske popevke bo Kamnik obiskal skupaj z DJ-em. Obeta se nam izvrstna interpretacija njegovih bolj znanih pesmi. K tem bo dodal še tudi katero od uglasbenih poetičnih besedil slovenskih pesnikov, saj je eden redkih glasbenikov, ki se jih loti brez slabe ...
Četrtek in preostali dnevi ob koncu tedna bodo zelo zanimivi za naše najmlajše, saj jih v Kamniku poleg muzikala Želvica Bara gre na morje v petek ob 15. uri čaka še otroški bazar z ustvarjalnimi delavnicami. Sledi mu največje veselje iskrivih oči: sprevod Dedka Mraza. Mož z belo kučmo bo zagotovil, ...
It will start already in the morning hours, when the city center will be flooded with the festive atmosphere of the fair. After the address of the mayor of the city, we can walk among the stands of ARTish creators who will present their artistic products. It will be festive until the evening, when at 19:00 the music will open the evening...
Čeprav se Kamnik uradno odene v praznične barve šele naslednji dan, se vse skupaj začne že danes. Od 11. ure dalje bodo kamniški vrtci in osnovne šole pomagali krasiti novoletne jelke in oder na glavnem trgu. Ob 18. uri mesto obišče Nina Pušlar z bendom, župan mesta pa bo odprl drsaliče, kjer ...
Zaključna razstava KED Smetumet prikazuje različne dejavnosti in dogodke, ki so se v sklopu projekta Priložnost za vse ‒ Kultura ni ovira odvili v Mariboru. V iztekajočem letu smo Smetumet spoznali po številnih delavnicah in akcijah v javnem prostoru, z namenom ozaveščanja, razbijanja stereotipov, ...