Multimedia Hi-Fi Show from October 12 to 14, 2012 in Ljubljana One of the leading and most recognizable fairs in the region in the field of...
APZ bo v sodelovanju s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija pod taktirko En Shaoa izvedel kantato Brine Jež Brezavšček Sanje leta, napisano za mešani zbor in orkester na istoimensko pesnitev Gregorja Strniše (1980 – 2010). Koncert bo izveden v okviru ...
Mestna tržnica Celje, 6.10.2012 med 9.00 in 13.00 uro.
Prodaja pridelkov in izdelkov s kmetij, predstavitev kmetij in društev s podeželja, predstavitev rokodelstva in domače obrti, degustacije, vožnja s kočijo, zabavni in animacijski program.ob 10.00: predstavitev oskrbe z lokalnimi ekološko ...
Iz Evrope se boste tokrat preselili na južno poloblo in se pustili presenetiti vinom Čila, Argentine, Avstralije in Nove Zelandije.Spoznavali boste vina štirih velikih vinskih hiš, ki imajo dolgoletno tradicijo:1. ČILE - Concha y Toro (blagovna znamka Casillero del Diablo)2. ARGENITNA - ...
Multimedia Hi-Fi Show from October 12 to 14, 2012 in Ljubljana One of the leading and most recognizable fairs in the region in the field of...
We started the new season of culinary meetings at the Miele Gallery together with Kaval's masters and Robert Gorjak from the Belvin wine school with delicacies that autumn brings from the gardens and orchards. Almost endless possibilities of using vegetables in salads or vegetable side dishes and...
Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether they tell more about the former events of the book with graphic depictions or original objects from historical periods. Of course, it is best if we know both. At the exhibition about chivalry - KNIGHT, LADY AND DRAGON. The heritage of medieval warriors, which will be in the museum...
We cordially invite you to the opening of the guest exhibition of the Regional Museum Murska Sobota TÜ MO, which will present the Slavic settlement of Prekmurje in a picturesque way. Exhibition Tü mo. The Slavic settlement of Prekmurje is the story of Slavic newcomers who settled in the second half of the 6th century in the area of the present...
Tü mo exhibition. The Slavic settlement of Prekmurje is the story of Slavic newcomers who settled in the second half of the 6th century in the area of the current fields south of Murska Sobota. The very title of the exhibition Tü mo. or "we will be here" is significant enough, as it says that the Slavic immigrants simply...
As part of BIO 23, you can see an interesting exhibition that shows the results of creative learning and fruitful socializing of immigrant women from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo, living in Jesenice. Since 2010, Oloop has been researching and developing projects, campaigns and products that raise awareness of...
As part of BIO 23, you will be able to see an exhibition about the city as a phenomenon that inspires people in different ways. Cities have always been gathering places for the world's greatest thinkers and incubators for the development of progressive ideas. They have become the centers of the world's most important political, economic and social...