This time Luka Marcen put Gregor Strniša's frogs on stage in the form of cabaret morality. The work with the subtitle The Parable of Poor Lazarus remains relevant due to its multifaceted nature, and in recent years even several directors have taken up the work even in institutionalized theater...
The performing arts festival, which is open to genres and generations, will be a fun, fresh and colorful event again this year, which will take Ljubljana from summer to autumn. Eleven days of festival atmosphere will be shaped by debutant and established creators from all over the world, from Japan to Portugal. The fifteenth anniversary of the festival will be...
The musical began its success more than 40 years ago in New York, and a year later in London. After eight years and 3,358 performances, the musical became the longest-running show in West End history. The Bronowski production brings the rock musical to life in an all-new lineup featuring 30 performers with West ...
This year, Ljubljana Castle will be full of laughter and joy for the fifth consecutive year, as it will host the Panč stand-up comedy festival. We will be entertained by local comedians and guests and friends from all over the former Yugoslavia, and we can also expect some English speakers...
Mednarodni festival sodobnega plesa bo tudi letos postregel s sodobnim plesom in gibalnim eksperimentiranjem. Predstavili se bodo umetniki in raziskovalci z močnim konceptom, z družbeno in socialno kritičnim pogledom in izrazito lastno estetiko. Performansi izzivajo gledalca kot aktivnega spremljevalca in udeleženca ...
Mednarodni glasbeni festival, ki je posvečen v Piranu rojenemu Giuseppeju Tartiniju, bo tudi letos gostil koncerte velikih glasbenih mojstrov. Uživali bomo ob zvokih Tartinijeve violine na melodijo Štirih letnih časov in drugih skladb izpod prstov Mozarta, Beethovna, Bellinija, Dvoraka in ...
S prvim lanskoletnim festivalom je organizatorjem uspelo ustvariti največji punk rock festival v regiji. Postavljen na čudovito festivalsko lokacijo sotočja Tolminke in Soče, zagotavlja nepozaben počitniški vikend. Tudi letos bodo nastopile največje svetovne punk-rock zvezde, na čelu z Anti-Flag, Good Riddance in The Toy ...
Jazzinty je v dvanajstih letih iz poletne delavnice prerasel v obsežno produkcijo, sestavljeno iz štirih sklopov: glasbene delavnice, jazz festivala, tekmovanja za skladateljsko nagrado Jazzon in abonmajskega koncertnega cikla. Program festivala sestavljajo predstavitve novih slovenskih jazzovskih projektov, finale nagrade ...
Predstava je nastala v sklopu mednarodnega projekta The Generosity Experience. Ta se je pričel odvijati že jeseni 2010 s sodelovanjem senzorialnih gledališč z Danske, Belgije, Francije in Slovenije pod vodstvom Enriqueja Vargasa. Med nama išče navdih v velikodušju, vrednoti, ki v današnji družbi ...
The extraordinary acrobatic duo, which has toured in more than ten countries around the world, comes to us with a tense melodrama in which the male and female characters present themselves in an explosion of emotions. The performance combines modern circus techniques, theater, poetry and...
The association of musicians and music lovers will present at the Alter-art festival a varied selection of performers from the field of amateur culture, alternative youth subculture and, of course, also "serious" culture. Various young alternative music groups from Idrija, Slovenia and abroad present themselves at the festival. ...
V času najvišje turistične sezone Rab preplavi množica, ki je željna dobre zabave in izzivalnih ritmov. Festival je edinstvena prireditev na Jadranu, ki vsako leto privabi zveneča domača in tuja imena in mnoge vroče ...