Madagascar 3, Savages and TED are the titles of the previews that will lure us to the sand, towels or loungers of Atlantis. Three other blockbusters are joining the fun. Ticket prices: 4 ...
Let's reserve six Mondays until the end of August to watch films selected by the Cultural and Artistic Society Pina. The films will be accompanied by a pleasant atmosphere. Admission is ...
The image of this year's version of the festival of gastronomic and film delights is being designed by British animation master Lee Hardcastle, while the fantastical elements are created by the art collective Laibach Kunst. The focus is on the genre program (horror) in five sections and, of course, selected ...
The largest and oldest Croatian film festival lasts for another twelve days, so we can still catch some of the best film delicacies of the past year, such as the award-winning Romeos in Berlin, the award-winning Italy: Love it, or Leave it in Milan, or the award-winning film ...
The musical theater captured on film is a meditation inspired by the theme of the suffering of Mary, the mother of Jesus, during his crucifixion and by the medieval text Mother sad stood. Karmina Šilec explores the dimensions of maternal...
The festival ensures lasting contact between dancers, choreographers, other artists, cultural leaders, critics, theorists and audiences, primarily in the Central European region. The Fronto consists of three basic program sections: the main program with top-notch dance performances, performances, screenings and exhibitions, and accompanying and ...
The Festival of Young Cultures brings together the production of unconventional and more or less independent cultural and artistic practices, and consists of concerts, graffiti, dance, music and multimedia workshops. We will not be surprised by theatrical events, street art, exhibitions, installations and various ...
The festival is one of the most important jazz events in Slovenia, and its recognition abroad is increasing year by year. At the thirteenth festival, we will be able to enjoy a diverse musical program: a presentation of young Slovenian jazz bands on Monday and Tuesday, a closing concert and an award ceremony on Wednesday with ...
The International Puppet Festival will be remembered for its richest program ever. The performances offer spectacular and magical puppet performances that explore the world of children's imagination, while also attracting ...
The Living Legends project is being upgraded in the form of a multimedia exhibition. Photographs of various personalities by photographers Matjaž Tančič and Marko Kumer-Murč will be exhibited. More about the life paths of the legends will also be available from the exhibited personal ...
The project begins with the presentation of installations that enable the experience of the environment through smells, textures, sounds and shapes. This is followed by a two-month varied program that will primarily attract those with special needs.