Photography has only gained visibility and recognition here in recent years, which is also a great merit of the largest festival dedicated to photography. Most of the events within the festival, divided into Enlarger, Diffuse, retrospective, Flash and Exposure exhibitions, will take place in June, but the action starts as early as May. In ...
Avtor Martin McDonagh je eden najpomembnejših sodobnih scenaristov in dramatikov, njegova osebna zgodba je izredno zanimiva. Po odločitvi, da konča izobraževanje, je začel pisati radijske igre, ki so mu jih vztrajno zavračali, a je prodrl z dramatiko. Pred petimi leti so v Londonu sočasno igrali kar štiri njegove ...
We are already used to reviewing the best performances and at the same time a superb end to the season, as it is already the sixth edition of the festival, but this year the Youth Theater of Ljubljana is preparing it for the first time in cooperation with the Glej Theater - an independent theater organization and the oldest...
The extremely wide-reaching festival combines music, art, publishing and antiques under one roof. The initials of the listed sections form the name of a Greek goddess who stands at the very beginning of European literary art - at the beginning of Homer's famous epic about the Trojan War. In the spirit of the goddess who inspires…
26. maja se bo v Celju odvijal eden največjih dogodkov za mlade, MladiSmo OPEN AIR 2012, na katerem bodo obiskovalci lahko tekmovali s profesionalnimi odbojkašicami in košarkarji. Poleg tega bodo na okrogli mizi od njih dobili tudi kopico koristnih nasvetov o tem, kako lahko najbolj učinkovito vodijo osebne finance.
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Odkrili bomo zgodbo najstarejšega do sedaj odkritega zlatega predmeta z ozemlja Slovenije, spoznali pa bomo tudi Živo iz muzeja, novo knjižno zbirko Narodnega muzeja Slovenije za ...
The first Slovenian show on and around the pole will convince us that pole dancing or pole dance is an art form characterized by movement aesthetics comparable to modern dance. It probably offers slightly more pleasure to dancers, as it strengthens flexibility, endurance and strength. The story of the show presents an eternal dilemma…
Don't miss a public guided tour of the History and Art Collections: Valvasor and His Time: Second Half of the 17th Century exhibition. Led by Tina Istinič. Valvasor lived in the Baroque era, a period that influenced the views of all classes of the population. Baroque looked for grandeur and strong impressions in fine art. In the musical...
The Barice Blenkuš Drama School is preparing the 22nd small festival of final performances. The listeners of 8 programs will present their year-long work and creative dramatic creation to us: from younger elementary school students to adults. With the mentorship of actors-lecturers, they will conjure up the right...
A team of eight designers, graffiti artists, artists, or none of these is preparing a group exhibition for its 11.8 year anniversary. It is a kind of retrospective, which prefers to look to the future. Crew has become a recognized brand of products that are defined by the refinement of surprisingly obvious ideas, embedded in their own...
Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
V sredo, 23. maja, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na našo pravljično urico.Tokrat bomo prebrali pravljico Princeska sem ...