To the urban rhythms of May, Andreja Vakselj from the Kazina dance school prepared for us a set of hits that we want to hear in a popular club during slightly longer nights, except that this time clubbing was a bit more fun and educational. In this way, we will be able to set off equipped with rhythm and movement...
Tisti, ki smo med prvomajskim oddihom morda že “okusili” morje, smo se najverjetneje spomnili na okusno mediteransko hrano. S Kavalovimi kuharskimi mojstri smo se na tokratni majski CITY CHEF kuharski akademiji pripravljali na poletje ob kozarcu penine in škampih, brancinovim ...
The Grand Astoria (RU) - Tripped out psychedelic/stoner rock having sex with metal. (Canteen) La Otracina (USA) - Space travel on LSD with illegal doses of noise, metal and 70's psychedelia. ...
V petek, 8. junija, ob 20.30, nas bo s svojo glasbo razveseljevala in razvajala skupina TerraFolk z gostoma Vlatkom Stefanovskim in Uno Palliser. Slovenija se bo znašla na sotočju kultur, ko sever in jug, vzhod in zahod postanejo eno.
Skupina Terrafolk spodbuja ekološko zavedanje in pozitiven odnos do narave. ...
Vabimo vas na aktivno športno vadbo z nagradno igro za udeležence. Predstavitev športnih pripomočkov bomo podkrepili z vadbenim pohodom po Pohorju in nagradno igro za udeležence. Glavna nagrada je vikend paket za dve osebi s kuponi Smovey.Kaj? Predstavitev novih športnih pripomočkov, ...
The Barice Blenkuš Drama School invites you to the Little Festival of Final Performances, which will take place between May 25 and 27, 2012 in the Dance Theater...
Architect Glenn Murcutt, whose exhibition is on display at the museum, says that "his buildings are like dressing in winter or summer - in summer you can take off the extra layers", some of his houses are like "covered with a big coat". We will things...
On the eve of International Museum Day, on May 17, 2012, the third set of lectures will be held in the MAO as part of the Plečnik 2.0 program. The common denominator of the Plečnik 2.0 program. is the active involvement of users in the interpretation of Plečnik as a personality and his legacy, which is not only architectural, but a broader matter...
Iva Tratnik, an artist from Celje of the younger generation, is exhibiting in the Art Gallery of Celje. The artist envisioned the opening of the exhibition (May 18 at 7:00 p.m.) as a musical culinary dance "living picture" in which her colleagues will perform. As part of the Museum Night, 16 June 2012, the artist will...
Na predavanju se bomo zazrli v preteklost človeškega čuta za lepo in se seznanili z različnimi stališči o tem, kaj je v posameznem obdobju – od antike do novega veka – veljalo za lepo. Pričevanja o tem so nam v prvi vrsti zapustili slikarji, kiparji, arhitekti, pesniki in pisatelji. Spregovorili bomo ...
Celebration of the 2nd birthday of the children's bookshop Kres pod gradom On Saturday, 19.5., we will celebrate the 2nd birthday of the children's bookshop 'Kres pod...
Do you still know how our grandparents spent their free time, before the time of computer games and television? Visit us on Saturday, May 19, 2012 in Tabor Park in Ljubljana and, together with our babysitters, enter the Nostalgic Saturday time machine, which will take you toRead More