After a more than successful fashion peak last fall, the spring term also spoils us with the best fashion designers. In addition to those that we saw at the first FW, the fall collections will be presented by those that were overlooked at the first fashion week. The focus will again be on young, rising...
The organizers say that with their initiative and the sacrifice of the best, scenes that are reserved only for the gods and the best climbers arrive on the movie screen. This year we can expect over 30 hours of truly exceptional projections in four categories: mountaineering; climbing; mountains, sports and adventure; mountain ...
Glenn Murcutt je zaslovel zaradi arhitekturnih rešitev, ki razkrivajo prostor in ga obdajajo do najmanjše možne mere. Njegovo delo mu je prineslo najuglednejša priznanja, med katerimi je tudi nagrada Pritzker, v svetu arhitektov znana kot Nobelova nagrada. Razstava Arhitektura za prostor omogoča vpogled v ...
Prisrčen pozdrav ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
V sredo, 4.aprila, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na naše vsakotedensko druženje. Tokrat bosta pravljična ...
Greetings to all lovers of stories! April 2nd is International Children's Book Day, so in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom we decided to celebrate this day in a very special way, which is actually the birthday of the famous fairy tale writer Hans Christian...
In April and May, the Museum of Architecture and Design will host a series of meetings on the topic of visual communication design. The first meeting will be dedicated to typography, and will be moderated by Tomato Košir, author of many typefaces, mentor of the TipoRenesansa workshop, member of the TipoBrda association, initiator...
Predstavitev nove pomladno poletne kolekcije čevljev Stiefelkönig, v prodajalni na Cankarjevi 4 v Ljubljani, je poleg fetišistov čevljev pritegnila tudi tiste, ki se radi zabavamo ob dobri glasbi ekipe RDYO DJs, finger food-u izpod prstov Kavalovih mojstrov in ob penini Prosecco ''Il fresco''. ...
In a lecture on the history of fashion, you will walk through historical periods, from Egypt through Greece, Etruscans, Romans to Byzantium, Gothic, Renaissance and the mad court of Louis XIV... And Rococo, Biedermaier, Liberty, XX. century...until today...