Estetsko dovršena, gibalno atraktivna in izrazno prepričljiva predstava modernega baleta je nastala znotraj Kjara’s Dance Project. Kjara Starič s svojo koreografijo ter mladimi plesalkami in plesalci dopolnjuje podobo slovenske plesne umetnosti z utripom ...
Licking is a humorously absurd, but at the same time fascinating phenomenon, when an individual tries to fool all the museum's security devices just so he can taste the greatest painters - with his tongue. James Powderly and Eun-Jung Son documented the phenomenon on film. For a month we can get to know the picture lovers,...
Svaštafest! It has it all: technical preseration, experimental brainfuck, rock'n'roll, undefined matters, beautiful piano parts...
Everyone in love, single, not single, married, divorced, in short, everyone who wants a new start or to improve an existing partner relationship and to do something good for themselves in this area is invited. A good fairy will tell you about falling in love, the myth of...
Vsak četrtek v marcu vas vabimo, da se nam ob 18. uri pridružite na javnem vodstvu po razstavi Ljubljanska škofija 550 let, kjer vam bomo razkrili njeno pol tisočletno razburkano zgodovino.Vstopnina po ...
Greetings to all lovers of fairy tales! On Saturday, March 3, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to fairy hour in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. Like every Saturday, the fairy tale writer Jana Osojnik will read you the charming fairy tale Beautiful Izabela, which was presented to us in November...
Conductor: Zoran Marković The Symphony Orchestra of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana has been operating since 1948 and brings together students of all years and departments for strings, wind instruments, brass and percussion, and represents the representative performing corps of this prestigious Slovenian higher education institution. The orchestra's repertoire includes...
Matjaž Bogataj and Nina Pirc, violins; Mateja Ratajc and Nejc Mikolič, violas; Maruša Bogataj and Jošt Kosmač, cellos In addition to studying in Slovenia, the members of the string sextet Offstring trained at a course in Schafhausen with world-renowned musicians such as Ana Chumachenco, Wen-Sin Yang and...
Women have been using aromatic oils for health, beauty and seduction for thousands of years. In this one-of-a-kind aromatherapy workshop, we will touch on all...
The puppet adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Knights was based on Pushkin's Tale of the Dead Empress and the Seven Knights (1833). In it, the poet drew inspiration from the well-known fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, ...
The puppet adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Knights was based on Pushkin's Tale of the Dead Empress and the Seven Knights (1833). In it, the poet drew inspiration from the well-known fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, ...