Beavers have already established themselves well among the children of Ljubljana and their parents, definitely because of their cute image and accessibility to all visitors. This year, for the first time, the festival of cultural and artistic education will be enriched by a varied art program prepared by public institutions and non-governmental organizations in the field of fine arts. ...
Artfest bosta zaznamovala dva dela na temo približujočega se pustnega rajanja. Prvi je glasbeno gledališka predstava Korantova svatba, drugi slikarski Extempore. Korantova svatba je glasbeno gledališka uprizoritev zgodbe, vezane na devet tradicionalnih pustnih likov in etnografsko izročilo danega okolja. Zgodba govori ...
Brecht's theater is one of those that realizes that we should not take the most serious things (too) seriously, because in doing so we lose distance and, due to excessive involvement, overview of things. As many as three producers took advantage of the fact, who created a "historical gangster show" from an extremely current text, in...
Gledališki dogodek leta je že v prvih mesecih novega leta povzročil trenutno najvidnejši slovenski odrski ustvarjalec, ki širi glas o sebi v marsikatero svetovno mesto. Gre seveda za Tomaža Pandurja, ki s svojo zadnjo predstavo Vojna in mir prihaja tudi v Evropsko prestolnico kulture. Ker Pandurjevo ...
Legendarni Volkswagnov hrošč si je nadel novo podobo, ki po zapeljivosti vsekakor nadgrajuje preteklo, v svetu avtomobilizma pa mu že sedaj lahko napovemo velike uspehe. Njegovi zapeljivosti lahko podležemo na urbanem dogodku v okviru City Events, kjer bomo lahko preizkusili njegove zmogljivosti na cesti in občudovali ...
On the cultural holiday, a wide variety of museums, theaters or cinema halls throughout Slovenia offer us a free insight into their permanent or current offer. In Kranj, the city of poets, the very popular Prešeren Semenj will take place. The streets of the city center will take us to the poet's time, including...
The musical genre of hip hop has been encountered in almost every party for the past few years. This time, we will learn the basic movement and party steps, but also the most complex and interesting movements of hip hop, on this time's urban rhythms. After the dance, all participants are treated to delicious cakes in the Zvezda Cafe and Confectionery and good shopping in...
Slavni ljubezenski zaplet iz Verone vsekakor poznamo vsi, a nas je manj videlo, kako tragedijo predstavijo lutke. V tej igri bomo še vedno priča legendarnemu prizoru na balkonu, …, a ker gre za lutkovno predstavo, bo v njej mnogo več odrske dinamike, saj gre za glasne prepire, divje pretepe, strastni ples ali ...
The author's film evening features award-winning filmmaker Tomaž Gorkič. Together with the world-renowned 666 Productions and Strup Produkcije, it presents a new film creation Between me, you and God. Before the screenings, a faction of the theater group Dejmo stisnt teater will perform with the latest...
The Tourism and Leisure Fair, as a recognizable meeting point of the region's leading tourism actors, attracts us every year with many innovations. This year, among other things, we can look forward to the Global Chef Challange cooking competition in front of the visitors. Along with the fair, we can also see the 8th nautical...
Prva v nizu zgodb Živih dvorišč nam razkriva zaklade, ki jih v svojih nedrjih skriva Maribor. Ob žarečem ognju v družbi Nine Šulin bomo spoznavali tiste vsakdanje mite, ki dajejo mestu značilen temperament. Svoje zgodbe bomo lahko pripovedovali tudi sami v Muzeju Živih dvorišč, ki bo spletal zgodbe ...
Under the multifaceted and recognizable title is a selected and transparent exhibition of top creators from various fields of design, united in the Society of Designers of Slovenia. The exhibition presents design works in the field of visual communications, industrial and unique design, scenography and...