V Novi Gorici bo veselo, saj bomo lahko praznovali Magma Oktoberfest. Zvezde večera so fantje skupine Big Foot Mama, ki vedno poskrbijo za odlično zabavo. Ogrevala nas bo skupina Rock Prešern, Vasco Rossi bo poskrbel, da se bomo zavrteli ob zvokih uspešnic naših najljubših skupin, Corvus pa bodo nastopili ...
Attention jazz lovers in Slovenjske Konjice! We are looking forward to an evening of jazz standards, completely free of charge. With good company and a glass of beer in hand, we will be able to indulge in the seductive sounds of jazz music, which is sometimes mischievous, sometimes very listenable, sometimes experimental, but always interesting and...
Točno 24. septembra 1991 je izšel album kultne skupine Nirvana, ki je zaznamoval takratno mladino in osmislil gibanje grunge. Album Nevermind je prevzel vsakega in skupina Nirvana je postala glasnica takratne generacije. Ob dvajseti obletnici izida zgodovinske plošče bodo nastopili številni glasbeniki, kot so ...
Makako Jump are a ska-reggae party band that has been performing on the stages of Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Croatia and Slovenia for ten years. They already have more than five hundred performances behind them, where they played with groups such as BR Stylers, Africa Unite and many others. They were influenced by Elvis Jackson, countrymen Ska-j, the...
Exhibition curators: Tomaž Brejc, Irena Čerčnik, Jiři Kočica, Polona Tratnik Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, 22.9.–13. 11. 2011 Mirko Bratuša, Polona Demšar, Boštjan Drinovec, Jiři Kočica, Anja Kranjc, Gregor Kregar, Boštjan Novak, Nika Oblak & Primož Novak, Katja Oblak, ...
Beti Žerovc, this time's curator, chose the central theme - an artistic event - of the prestigious graphic biennial event mainly due to the fact that it has been seen as a privileged medium for decades. Thus, institutions dedicated to the arts, the production of artistic events enthusiastically...
Jean Anouilh's comedy brings together six capricious musicians and one pianist in a spa cafe. As outside observers, we will laugh at the successful careers of the members and the member of the orchestra, who only play for uninterested guests who treat their aging bones with thermal water. The musicians are each in their own way...
With the selection of plays on its stage, the Slovenian Youth Theater always treads on the edge of what is expected, as it rarely stages works intended only for the stage. The first premiere of the new season, co-produced by Škuc and SMG, is a fairy tale full of symbolism, iconography and ideas that, of course, also talk about us. Oscar's story...
This time, the Repyartrium art tunnel exhibition presents a selection of art works by students of the 8th and 9th grades of primary schools from Piran, Izola, Koper, Trieste and a school from Istria, Croatia. In cooperation with principals and art teachers, we will enter the world of images of generations, which is on the threshold of maturity. ...
In the business world, personal style is gaining importance, so with the help of the Poti Agency, we can identify and create an original and unique personal expression in the business world as well. Within the uniform, we can show our creative energy and likability with the first impression, which will open many doors for us. Login: ...
New Europe New Thinking is the slogan that will be present in three halls - Kodak, Emerald and Mediteranea during lectures, workshops, competitions and parties. A mandatory event for all creatives, where peers share their experiences. Among the guests announced this year are: Igor Arih, Karpat Polat, Patrik Hanson Lowe and around fifty...