Mednarodni festival lutkovnega in uličnega gledališča Puf letos praznuje deseti rojstni dan. Za ta veseli čas so pripravili celo vrsto tradicionalnih in sodobnih ambientalnih lutkovnih predstav ter ulične dogodke, ki jih popestrijo hodulje, velike lutke in drugi rekviziti. Vstop je ...
Osrednji poletni festival Ljubljane z vsakim letom obogati svoj program. Pod svojim okriljem združuje tako rekoč vse umetniške pojavnosti: od opere prek razstav do koncertov. Število prireditev, ki si zaslužijo naš obisk, je skoraj nepregledno: večer brazilske glasbe, kitajski filharmonični orkester ...
Vsako leto bogatejši festival stare glasbe je unikaten v svetovnem pomenu. Na glasbene užitke, kot so Capella de Ministers, Ensamble Marquis, Severinj in Nova Schola Labacensis se lahko popeljemo tudi s festivalskim ...
Once again, we will have the opportunity to see, hear and feel a unique festival with a selection of a wide variety of events, from rock concerts, classical and ethnic music, theater performances and folklore events to creative workshops for children and meetings with foreigners...
Slikovito okolje mestnega jedra bo tudi letos gostitelj koncertov klasične glasbe. Med sprehodom nas lahko presenetijo mladi izvajalci eksperimentalne klasične glasbe ali virtuozni glasovi opernih solistov. V pestrem naboru glasbenikov bodo nastopili tudi Sonoran Desert Chorale iz ZDA, Godalni kvartet Dominant iz Rusije ter Gypsy ...
Pri festivalu jazz, etno in funk glasbe Jeff gre za eksperimentalno ter mladostno zastavljen program. Tokrat bomo med drugim prisluhnili Brencl bandi, Maxmaber Orkestru ter energični zasedbi vrhunskih glasbenikov ...
The most innovative event of recent years in Bohinj brings interesting musical elements of the evening, connected by the exhibition part. Among the very diverse events, we also find Village evenings under the lime tree, Etna weekend and Bonfire night. Entry is...
The already traditional Veronika evenings at the Old Castle of Celje will appeal to us this summer with the musical styles of colorful cultural environments. The festival program offers a comprehensive experience of themed evenings with culinary delights and ambiance under the stars. An American, French, Argentinian and Slovenian evening awaits us. ...
This summer, Ljubljana will once again host the international festival Mini Summer, which is mainly intended for children and those who are close to art for children. In addition to puppet and theater performances, our little ones will be occupied by various workshops, from medieval to workshops within the European Baby Lion project...
Every Monday evening at 6 p.m., our little ones are waiting for Children's Hours at the City Beach in Celje. There, in the company of their peers, they will draw, paint, listen to fairy tales and have a lot of fun with the help of an organized game. Entry is...
All activities and programs adapted to the age of the children are carried out by professionally qualified sports workers. In the morning they will indulge in a whirlwind of sports activities, such as football, tennis, basketball, dancing and fun at the pool, and in the afternoon they will be busy with various workshops. Price: from 79 to 109...